UltraLog Scale Design
The design of the scales is:
_Front _____________________________________Back
Or in the standard written convention
Front: LL/0,
LL/1, LL/2, LL/3, DF
[CF, CIF, SH1, SH2, CH, TH, Ln, L, CI, C] D, LL3, LL2, LL1, LL0
Back: Const, R1, R2, K, A [B, T1, T2, ST, S, P, H1, H2, CI, C] D, DI, Q1, Q2, Q3
Yes, 40 scales, but neatly and logically grouped and arranged
using light yellow colour stripes and thin grey separating lines
between groups. The slide is 4 scales wider than that of the
Aristo 0972 Hyperlog which enables calculations that would be
difficult to perform with most scales on the stock.
There are no back to back scales - the arrangement is similar to
the 0971 Hyperbolog or Hemmi's duplex rules rather than the
Hyperlog's alternating design, which I believe to be difficult
for the eye to work with.
There are no scale extentions on the C/D and A/B scales - these
are barely used but make it inconvenient to set or read the right
and left indexes.