UltraLog Feedback Received

I receive quite a lot of feedback, some of it through the ISRG list and a lot more by direct email. Most of it is very positive and encouraging. Here are some of the nice things people wrote. I intend to read this page whenever a new project 'crisis' provides me with an opportunity to re-commit.

"I hope that those with the knowledge (and energy) to produce an Ultralog will keep us all apprised about whether or not such a wonderful addition to the slide rule kingdom is a real possibility."

"Many thanks for the dream of an Ultralog and for following up on the tedious but necessary steps required to turn that dream into reality... The Ultralog would be a grand idea and fitting tribute not only to those who now use and collect slide rules but also to those in the past whose world class advancements and accomplishments would have been far more difficult without three sticks and a piece of glass."

"You have a sensible, realistic layout, which depends only on the final ecconomy."

"I hope it can be made, looks like the finest rule possible :-)"

"What a great project!  I hope it actually happens!"

"I think this is a very exciting project, and sounds like a lot of fun."

"I have followed on ISRG with great interest your UltraLog project. Congratulations on a great idea !"

"The Ultra Log design looks very well thought-out to me, both in scale selection, layout, and aesthetics."

"When you get it into production, let me know. We'll get something in the magazine - marvellous work..."

"I commend you for your initiative, and the perseverance and control that you exercise."

"I really like the scale layout and scale color scheme.  Good luck and thank you."

"First, you're doing a great job! ... I thoroughly hope to open a box in the next year or so and do a happy dance as I look at the fine instrument that will be the Ultralog. ...if I can help in any way please let me know.  I would be proud to be a minor contributor to your project."

"Thank you for your vision and all your hard work on the UltraLog project. (I will definitely be buying one even if I have to go without lunch for six months to pay for it!)"

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